When you were kids, there were so many cartoon shows being aired on various channels. Somewhere in the midst of all the shows, one of the best moments of our childhood was lived. Nowadays, all of this can be seen online and with playing games. Chhota Bheem is one of the most popular cartoon characters among the kids. Over 40 million people have watched Chhota Bheem episodes. There are various characters also in the Chhota Bheem series. Chutki, Raju, Kalia, Dholu-Bholu, Rajkumari Indumati and so many more. All the cartoon characters have been loved by their viewers. The show mainly revolves around a village named ‘Dholakpur’ which is ruled by ‘Raja Indravarma’. Chhota Bheem has helped his village by protecting them against enemies. It is by far one of the best TV show ever telecasted.
There are various Chhota Bheem Games available in both android and iOS. Some of them are:

Chhota Bheem Jungle Run involves the cartoon character running around the jungle. Bheem and his friends need to be saved from weird creatures. The responsibility for that lies on you. You can make Bheem run, slide and fly. Make sure to have enough laddoos to provide Bheem with the much needed energy. It is available for free in android and iOS.

Chhota Bheem Speed Racing is an energizing vehicle, dashing game. The game highlights the most cherished Chhota Bheem and his companions hustling for the victor title. The fundamental topic of the game sees Chhota Bheem as a fireman who is facing the villains. Close by battling the scalawag, Bheem helps his companions while hustling all through the towns. Players need to find a workable 6 distinct universes, for example, Dholakpur, Petra, Bali, Incan, Kathmandu, and Shinobi with Chhota Bheem and his companions Raju, Chhutki, Jaggu, and Dholu-Bholu and help the people to take care of their issues. You can explore hidden places, surprises and collect rewards. it is available for free on both android and iOS.

In this game, you will able to talk to chhota bheem, listen to his tunes, make him brush his teeth, dress him up, etc. The game has various world exploration places making it even more interesting.

Chhota Bheem Race Game is a vivid hustling game without the need of a vehicle. The game is a healthy bundle as you find a good pace the characters from the Chhota Bheem universe in intriguing areas from everywhere throughout the nation. The game isn’t just about dashing. You can utilize astonishing weapons that players can gather and use them against the obstructions and rivals. You essentially need to bounce over the obstructions so as to win against your most loved Bheem characters. It is available in both android and iOS. The best part about this game is that there are no advertisements.
Chhota Bheem Himalayan Adventure

In this game, you can choose the location where you want chhota bheem to go. You can make him dress as per your wish. There are various new characters to be seen while playing the game.

This learning game can be great to enhance your child’s skills. Based on question answer sessions, there will be 15 questions asked and you will have 2 lifelines. If you answer all the answers correctly, you will be crowned as Crorepati of the game. There are a variety of questions available, so the chance of getting repeated questions gets minimized.

Chhota Bheem: The Hero investigates the cartoon. This implies you get to become the protagonist, The Bheem, as he faces each adversary from the show, help his companions Kalia, Chutki, Jaggu, Dholu, Bolu and others by choosing them to launch the salvage crucial. You should hold your stronghold against concealed adversaries and battle them with an all around arranged procedure.
There are so many other chhota bheem games like:
- Chhota Bheem- Diwali Fireworks
- Chhota Bheem- Photo Booth
- Chhota Bheem Learn Memory
- Chhota Bheem- Tic Tac Toe
- Chhota Bheem- Treasure Hunt
- Chhota Bheem- Flying Game
- Chhota Bheem- Hangman
- Chhota Bheem- Shoot the Leyaks
- Chhota Bheem- Cowboy
- Chhota Bheem- Football